Salam alaikum readers..
This entry is specially dedicated to all parents and future-parents.
Lets have a go on this hadith..
This hadith holds a couple of important lessons for us:
1. It is the right of children to be brought up in accordance with the guidelines of Islam. It is the duty of parents to protect their children from the Fire of Hell by teaching them Allah’s commands and prohibitions.
2. Rasulullah saw first commands the parents to act upon the commands of Allah swt. It is a well known fact, that children learn by imitation. What a parent says, carries a lot less weight, than what a parent does. Children automatically do what their parents do, but not necessarily what they say.
Thats it for now.
Wassalam alaikum.
hmm i heard this one ceramah, actually anak ada hak before dia dilahirkan lagi.Hak untuk dapatkan mak ayah yg baik. Jadi jadi t/jwb utk kita pilih pasangan yg baik sbb nanti anak boleh claim dgn kita pasal ni...sigh~
before we blame the kid...there are 100's of list we need to check on us 1st
tulah.. ppl always think of having a good life partner from the aspect of what the prophet stated just after they got kids..
sbb time tu baru nampak betapa pentingnya seorang suami yg soleh dan isteri yg solehah dalam proses membentuk seorng insan bernama anak..
subhanallah..lumrahnya begitu..
tapi xsemua anak beruntung lahir dlm keluarga yg suasana Islamnya cantik.. tidak semua.. tp tidak boleh salahkan takdir sbb Allah lebih Tahu kenapa anak itu terpilih utk lahir dlm keluarga sedemikian..
wallahu a'lam
saya setuju dgn pendapat Andhee yg last, tak semua diberi nikmat berada dalam kerluargsa Solehah dan tak ramai yg dapat nikmat berada dalam keluarga Islam...
kita patut bersyukur as what we are
Allah know the best for us...:)
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