Dec 16, 2009

if only they know..

In the name of Allah the Most Beneficent the Most Merciful

Salam readers,
just want to share some of my experiences throughout these days of being a undergraduate student. Initially, I predict it is going to be an awesome learning process especially the fact that I'm going to explore my favourite subject, Chemistry, more deep..
Yes, it is happening as what I've predicted before stepping my feet into the university..

as I started my first class (lecture), I felt that something is missing in my studies. I was trying to put that feeling away from me but I just couldn't do it.
This kind of mystery feeling leads me to search for something.. Something that I never realise before.. Until one day when my Biology lecturer talk about cells and its structure.. She keeps on talking about the uniqueness of such special creation that made up the human being..and all I can say is..Subhanallah.. Verily, Allah is the ultimate Creator..


But, that wasn't what come out from her mouth after such a long and interesting explanation about cells.. Yet she said, "its magic, isn't it?".. person behind me nodding as he agreed..Calmly, deep inside my heart I answered.. Yes, it is indeed a MAGIC.. made by Allah, the ultimate Creator..
I was thinking of asking her counter question, "Who did such a MAGIC?".. which I think she didn't know or maybe still doesn't know the correct answer for it..

Alhamdulillah, thank you Allah for making me realise that I was created by You.. and Alhamdulillah, for letting me know 'who did the MAGIC' which my lecturer doesn't know the correct answer for it..

All that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth glorifieth Allah, and He is the Mighty, the Wise..
(As-Saffat 61:1)

Praise the name of thy Lord the Most High, (1) Who createth, then disposeth(2)
(Al-A'la 87:1-2)

That's all for now..
till next time..

Dec 9, 2009


Salam readers.. hayati lirik lagu ini..

lyrics by Haddad Alwi

Bismillah Yaa Rahmaanu yaa Rahim Bismillah
Bismillah Yaa Fattahu Yaa halim Bismillah
Yaa Allah Yaa mannaanu Yaa karim Yaa Allah
Yaa Allah Yaa mannaanu Yaa karim Yaa Allah
Bismillah, Bismillah, Bismillah

Yaa Robbiy sudilah pandang kami
Terangi jalan gelap ini
Jangan biarkan aku terus sendiri
Mencari mendaki dan berduri

Yaa Robbiy dengarlah doaku ya Robbiy
Hadirlah dalam kehidupan kematian kami
Coba dan uji kan kulalui
Ya Allah, Ya Rahman, Ya Rokhim

lagu doaku versi akhil hayy..
selamat mendengar..

sekian dulu.. salam..:)

Dec 7, 2009

InshaAllah.. U'll Find Ur Way

In the name of Allah, The Most Merciful and The Most Beneficient

Salam semuanya..

Sekadar berkongsi sedikit tntang pngalaman beberapa hari spanjang blog ini tidak diupdate..

Last week..
'kami' pergi main ice skating..
lots of fun.. learn to move.. fall down.. wake up again.. fall.. but never give up..
analogi yg mudah diobserve.. ingat x masa kecil2 dlu.. masa mula2 nk belajar jalan.. sequence ini berlaku.. smpai akhirnya kita bisa.. bukan sekadar berjalan, malah berlari.. Subhanallah..

biarkan diri ini mengabstrakkan sedikit analogi itu..
"there's a first time for everything"
maka jgn malu bila pada mulanya kita rasa seolah2 gagal.. itu adalah ujian Allah utk lihat sejauh mana kita bersungguh2 dalam mencapai sesuatu..

kalau bukan sekarang.. bila lagi nak mulakan langkah?
Perjalanan hidup ini sudahpun kita mulakan dgn langkah pertama (sedar ataupun tidak)..
maka jgn biarkan ia terhenti.. teruskan..

suatu hari nanti kita dapati diri tergelincir dari landasan perjalanan.. atau merasa diri tidak mampu meneruskan perjuangan, ingatlah kata2 ini..
"Kejayaan yg dimiliki itu justeru lebih manis dan bermakna dgn adanya kepahitan dan keperitan di sepanjang perjuangan ke arah kejayaan itu"

ketika itulah kita akan merasa nikmat Allah itu cukup luas.. dan..
airmata keharuan akan mula mengalir.. dan ucapan Alhamdulillah akan keluar dgn pnuh rasa syukur kepadaNya..

kawan2,, harga sebuah kejayaan itu sgt mahal.. apatahlagi harga kejayaan yang hakiki..

Insha'Allah.. U'll find Ur way..



Nov 17, 2009



Sakit semalam menyembuhkanku..
bagaimana mungkin?
biarlah luahan yang bercerita..

Subhanallah.. Maha Suci Allah..
badan yg mengalami demam semalaman memberikan peringatan dan InsyaAllah sedikit penawar buat jiwa yg telah lama sakit..
apalah kiranya sakit ini kalau dibandingkan dengan ujian penderitaan duniawi yg dialami saudara Islam-ku di Palestina, Iraq, Afghanistan, Thailand, dan sebut sahaja di mana lagi..
Sakit ini membuat diri hina ini sedar akan nikmat sihat yg selama ini telah banyak disalahgunakan buat perkara2 yg tidak bermanfaat..

And when I sicken, then He healeth me (80)

Dan apabila aku sakit, Dia-lah yang menyembuhkanku (80)

As-Syua'ra (26 : 80)

semoga itu bisa manjadi peringatan ketika alpa,
penawar ketika hiba,
periang ketika duka,
pemanis buat cuka,
pengubat jiwa yang lara..

dan berdoalah..
Ya Allah, ampunilah segala dosa yg pernah diri ini lakukan,
sengaja mahupun tidak..
kerana sesungguhnya hamba insan biasa..
yg selalu leka.. dengan nikmat duniawi..
yg sering lupa.. akan balasan ukhrawi..

dan yakinlah..
Sesungguhnya Dia Maha Pengampun Lagi Maha Mengasihani..

Nov 10, 2009


بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

By (the Token of) time (through the Ages), (1) Verily Man is in loss, (2) Except such as have Faith, and do righteous deeds, and (join together) in the mutual teaching of Truth, and of Patience and Constancy. (3)

Demi Masa! (1) Sesungguhnya manusia itu dalam kerugian; (2) Kecuali orang-orang yang beriman dan beramal soleh dan mereka pula berpesan-pesan dengan kebenaran serta berpesan-pesan dengan sabar. (3)

Al-Asr (103:1-3)

salam alaikum..

realise it or not..

the day time getting shorter,

the night time keep coming earlier..

while the sky getting darker,

we must perform the prayer..

so..come on ppl, lets perform our responsibilities

lets show our seriousness as a true LOVER..

don't become those who loss by time
lets remind each other when we forget..

so that we are not part of the one who loss..

that's all for now..
see ya in the next post..

Nov 2, 2009

Dia Maha Tahu

Dengan nama Allah yg Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Penyayang..

'biar pecah di perut jgn pecah di mulut'..
kalau dgn manusia, bolehla.. tp kalau dgn Dia, takkan bisa..
kerana sifatNya Maha Mengetahui..
maka ketika kita sedih, masih ada tmpat utk bergantung..
ketika kita rasa seolah2 tidak ada yg bisa memahami, maka kita masih ada Allah..

Dia Maha Tahu, 'share' la dgn Dia (though actually Dia dah tahu)..

Dan tuturkanlah perkataan kamu dengan perlahan atau dengan nyaring, (sama sahaja keadaannya kepada Allah), kerana sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui akan segala (isi hati) yang terkandung di dalam dada. (13) Tidakkah Allah yang menciptakan sekalian makhluk itu mengetahui (segala-galanya)? Sedang Dia Maha Halus urusan PentadbiranNya, lagi Maha Mendalam PengetahuanNya!

maka dgn itu, doalah padaNya.. mintalah kat Dia.. insyaAllah, Dia akan bagi..
in fact, Dia dah sediakan yg terbaik utk kita..
so, jgn pernah putus asa dengan rahmat Allah..

jom renungkan bersama dan amalkan membaca surah al-Mulk sebelum tidur..
semoga kita semua mendapat manfaat dan termasuk dari org2 yg beruntung.. insyaAllah..

Allah Knows

When you feel all alone in this world
And theres nobody to count your tears
Just remember no matter where you are
Allah knows, Allah knows

When you're carrying a monster load
And you're wondering how far you can go
Every step you take on that road
Allah knows, Allah knows

No matter what side or out
theres one thing of which theres no doubt
Allah knows, Allah knows
And whatever lies in the heavens or the earth every star in this whole universe Allah knows, Allah knows

When you find that special someone
Feel your whole life has barely begun
You can walk on the moon shouted it to everyone
Allah knows, Allah knows

When you gaze with love in your eyes
Catch a glimpse of paradise
And you see your child take the first breath of life
Allah knows, Allah knows

No matter what side or out
theres one thing of which theres no doubt
Allah knows, Allah knows
And whatever lies in the heavens or the earth every star in this whole universe Allah knows, Allah knows

When you lose someone close to your heart
See your whole world fall apart
And you try to go on but it seems so hard
Allah knows Allah knows

You see we all have a path to choose
Through the valleys and hills we go
With the ups and the downs never fret never frown
Allah knows Allah knows

No matter what inside or out
theres one thing of which theres no doubt
Allah knows, Allah knows

cause No matter what inside or out
theres one thing of which theres
Allah knows, Allah knows
And whatever lies in the
no doubt the heavens or the earth every star in this whole universe Allah knows, Allah knows

Every grain of sand
In every desert land
He knows
Every shade of palm
Every closed hand
He knows
every sparkling tears
on every eye lash He knows
every thought i have
every word i share
He knows
Allah knows

enjoy this video clip by zain bikha
'Allah Knows'

sekian dulu buat kali ini..

Oct 28, 2009

No God But Him

Salam buddies.. instead of just leaving this page rarely updated with latest stuff to share, i was suddenly initiated to post some of the ayah from the Holy Book so that my blog keep updated.. perhaps, this could be a good start for me..
neways, enjoy reading..

Katakanlah (wahai Muhammad): Segala puji tertentu bagi Allah dan selamat sejahtera kepada hamba-hambaNya (Nabi-nabi) yang dipilihNya. Manakah yang lebih baik? Allah (yang demikian kekuasaanNya) atau benda-benda yang mereka jadikan sekutu-sekutu bagiNya? (59)

Bahkan siapakah yang telah mencipta langit dan bumi dan menurunkan hujan dari langit untuk kamu? Lalu Kami tumbuhkan dengan air hujan itu tanaman kebun-kebun (yang menghijau subur) dengan indahnya, yang kamu tidak dapat dan tidak berkuasa menumbuhkan pohon-pohonnya. Adakah sebarang tuhan yang lain bersama-sama Allah? (Tidak!) bahkan mereka (yang musyrik itu) adalah kaum yang menyeleweng dari kebenaran (tauhid). (60)

Atau siapakah yang telah menjadikan bumi tempat penetapan dan telah menjadikan sungai-sungai di antara bahagian-bahagiannya dan telah menjadikan untuknya gunung-ganang yang menetapnya dan juga telah menjadikan di antara dua laut (yang masin dan yang tawar) sekatan (semula jadi) yang memisahnya? Adakah sebarang tuhan yang lain bersama-sama Allah? (Tidak!) bahkan kebanyakan mereka (yang musyrik itu) tidak mengetahui. (61)

Atau siapakah yang memperkenankan doa orang yang menderita apabila dia berdoa kepadaNya dan yang menghapuskan kesusahan, serta menjadikan kamu pengganti (umat-umat yang telah lalu) mendiami dan menguasai bumi? Adakah sebarang tuhan yang lain bersama-sama Allah? Amat sedikit di antara kamu yang mengingati (nikmat Allah itu). (62)

Atau siapakah yang menunjukkan jalan kepada kamu dalam gelap-gelita darat dan laut dan yang menghantarkan angin sebagai pembawa berita yang menggembirakan sebelum kedatangan rahmatNya? Adakah sebarang tuhan yang lain bersama-sama Allah? Maha Tinggilah keadaan Allah dari apa yang mereka sekutukan denganNya. (63)

An-Naml (27) verses 59-63

p/s : look at the repetition of sentences in bold..
then, ask your heart to answer it.. There's none..(tiada)...

I guess thats all for now..
Thanks for reading..
see y'all soon..

Oct 7, 2009

ingin kembali kepadaNya

salam buddies..
it has been ages..
ntah kenapa tp diri ini merasa kosong sejak akhir2 ini..
cuba mencari penyelesaian kepada arah yg ingin dituju..
tp blum menemukan org yg sesuai utk membawa ke jalan itu..
mungkin ada cuma mungkin x tahu siapa..
rindu hati ini ingin kembali kpd suasana surau INTEC ditemani oleh rakan2 yg byk memberi nasihat dan menjadi tmpat bertanya ketika keraguan melanda..

sekarang.. diri ini hanya mampu berusaha agar kewajipan yg lima itu senantiasa terjaga.. takut sekali kalau2 smpai kembali ke zaman jahiliyyah dulu..(na'udzubillah)..
kesibukan mengurus itu dan ini mnjadi alasan utk melarikan diri dari melakukan kebiasaan sunat yg dlu sgt suka dilakukan.. betapa lemahnya iman ini..
hanya mampu berdo'a agar Allah mengampuni segala dosa yg pernah dilakukan secara zahir mahupun batin..

mungkin itulah lumrah manusia.. bila diuji dgn kesusahan baru nk cari Allah.. (teguran utk diri ini n kawan2 yg mengalami hal yg sma)..

teguran seorg teman hari ini membuatku tersentak seketika.. cuba mentarbiyyah kembali kelemahan diri.. kadang kala, kita x sedar yg kita dah sakitkan hati org lain.. mungkin org lain tidak mampu menerima kelemahan kita dgn mudah.. mungkin tidak seperti bagaimana diri ini bisa bersabar dgn kerenah kwn2 yg pelbagai.. kdg2 penat juga asyik, nak jaga hati diorg.. smpai ke suatu tahap terpaksa lepaskan juga.. tapi harus diingat.. 'api x boleh dibalas dgn api'.. sepertimana Rasulullah S.A.W membalas perbuatan buruk seorg yahudi kepada baginda dgn kebaikan..

tp kembali kepada teorinya.. tidak semua org bisa menerima kelemahan kita sepertimana kita bisa menerima kelemahan mereka yg mereka tidak sedari..
manusia dtg dgn pelbagai "pakej" yg Allah dah sediakan.. Subhanallah.. Sesungguhnya Dia Maha Mengetahui Lagi Maha Bijaksana..

Maka dgn itu, mintalah pada Allah agar digolongkan dlm kalangan org2 yg sabar dan tenang..

diri ini sedar bahawa tidak mudah utk berubah ke arah kebaikan dan perubahan itu tidak akan berlaku sekelip mata.. mungkin mudah utk menyatakan tp melakukannya adalah suatu hal yg diakui sgt sukar.. tp kalau sesuatu itu dilakukan dgn niat dan cara yg betul serta bersungguh2 dan diiringi dgn do'a, tidak mustahil kita akan menjadi seorg yg lebihbaik dari hari2 sebelumnya.. insyaAllah..

sekian dulu coretan kali ini..
sampai ketemu di coretan yg seterusnya..

p/s : lagu ni lagu terbaru opick.. Allah Maha Melihat feat.Amanda


Aug 31, 2009

Mari bersyukur..

it has been ages since the last time I wrote on this blog..
not to deny that that i am lazy but undoubtedly i also has a lot of things to be settled for the past few weeks..
started with A-level exams which I did somewhere in May-June..
then, i involved with a so called The Longest Non-Stop Multilingual Public Speaking Event 2009 as a committee..
Then, became a Pembantu Mahasiswa for Minggu Mesra Siswa of INTEC, which organised specially for the freshers..
After that, bla bla..bla.. some more fun activities..

Finish with intro..
Lets move to my point now..
satu perbuatan yg seharusnya ada pada seorg yg bergelar makhluk ciptaan Allah..
then the question of Why? come to our mind.. perlukah bersyukur nie?

Human nature..
bila dapat sesuatu, selalu ingin lebih drpd ape yg dimiliki..
bcoz we always look at those who get more than we got..
As saying goes, 'diberi betis, nak paha'
why not we change this bad habit..
let us 'betulkan yg biasa, biasakan yg betul'

When we given sth, look at those who doesn't hv that 'nikmat'..
Not only time kita senang, even time kita susah pun kita kena selalu bersyukur..
cuba ingat mereka yg berada di Iraq, palestine dan afghanistan.. jauh lebih susah dari kita di Malaysia..justeru nikmat keamanan yg kita miliki itu harus dihargai..

Kalau susah sgt nk bygkan mcmna keadaan mereka di Iraq, cuba cari kawan2 or org di sekeliling kita yg hidupnya lebih susah berbanding kita..
disitulah kita dpt lihat kebesaran Allah S.W.T kerana setiap benda yg berlaku itu ada sebabnya..Ada sebab kenapa Allah buat begitu.Yakinlah dengan ketentuanNya kerana Dia Maha Adil..

emang x dinafikan, berat mada memandang, berat lagi bahu memikul..seperti kata seorang teman.."bila diuji dgn dugaan, sedikit sebanyak iman pasti goyah jua'.. itulah kita,manusia, yakni hamba Allah yg x pernah terlepas dari melakukan kesilapan..
maka dgn itu, Allah dgn sifat Ar-RahimNya, memberi kita peluang utk bertaubat dan kembali kepadaNya..

So, there's no excuse utk tidak bersyukur dgn apa yg dikurniakan Allah utk kita.. so people, bersyukurlah dgn apa yg kita miliki hari ini..

Lets try these..
cuba tatap wajah ibu dan ayah kita dan ucapkan rasa syukur kerana kita masih ada mereka.. kerana bagi sebahagian yg lain, mereka tidak punya nikmat itu..
palig tidak pun, lihat wajah kita di cermin dan lihatlah pancaindera kita yg diciptakan dgn sempurna, lantas bersyukurlah dan ucaplah Alhamdulillah kerana sesetengah org tdk memiliki seindah dan sesempurna yg kita miliki..

There's so many other examples that we could practice and so many reasons to be grateful..
At least, we still have a chance to live and to breathe..

I guess thats all for now..
Thank you to those who inspire me to post this..
Not to forget, Thank You Allah..

See u guys in the next post..

May 26, 2009

Just a reminder 4 all of us..(كن فيكن )

Salam everyone..

Life is short, isn't it?
So, we have to enjoy it as much as we can b4 our time come.. Is it? Is that the correct match 4 for the fact that life is short?
Think of it..

Well, I actly bz with exams n so on lately..
macam malas nk update blog ni with thousand reasons including study, programme, bla bla bla..
Suddenly, a hard-to-believe n shocking news came thru my FB this morning saying that someone that i know passed away.. everyone wishing him Al-Fatihah n pray 4 his peace rest..

و لاحول و لا قوت الابالله
Aku hanya mampu termenung buat seketika dan menyedekahkan a-Fatihah buatnya..
I instantly caught by a mixture of feelings.. sad, fear n so on..
I wanna say that I couldnt believe it but.. كن فيكن .. when Allah say YES, then YES it is..
Ajal itu di tangannya.. (daripada allah kita dtg & kepadaNya lah jua kita kembali)
When the time came, It will never be bring forward nor delayed even a second..

Then, I started muhasabah myself.. Am I prepared enough to face Allah? with a very little good deeds n so many sins that i've done..

Firman Allah in the Holy Qur'an :
...Maka adapun orang yang berat timbangan(kebaikan)nya, maka dia berada dalam kehidupan yang memuaskan(senang). Dan adapun orang yang ringan timbangan(kebaikan)nya, maka tempatnya kembali adalah Hawiyah. Dan tahukah kamu apakah Hawiyah itu? (yaitu) api yang sangat panas.

(al-Qari'ah ayat 6-11)

Oh Allah, ya Rahman..ya Rahim.. place me with those Mukminin.. Put me away from Naar.. Let me "rest" in Iman..إِنَّ لله سَمِيعٌ عَلِيمٌ

So now, let us Muhasabah ourselves again.. Give the best shot 4 this short time that we have..
Who knows? ur call or my call could be in the next secs.. Anyway, just a reminder for me n also for all of u out there.. Remember Allah all the time..
Not just when something like this (bad things) happen to us, then only we search 4 Him..

so, i think thats all 4 now..
till next post..
ما أسلامه..

May 13, 2009


Salam everyone..

It has been ages since the last time i wrote on this blog..

well, it was due to busyness with exams n so on.. u know, A-level is on the corner..
huhu,.. luckily or should I say, unluckily, no past years question to be "memorise".. but there's a lot to be studied anyway..

Actually, We just finished the Physics Lab Practical 3A today..(I wanna say this morning but the exam is like taking the whole day coz we hv this pre n post quarantine thingy)..
Almost everyone stressed out by the paper.. but Alhamdulillah, I've given my better shot compare to the trial one.. so, kinda relief lor.. =)
Thank you Allah, tho I couldn't finish the last question with a satisfaction but still its ok..
(to be optimist)..

This bcoz I believe in Destiny that Allah has written for me.. My duty is to try n go through n then Tawakal.. The results is independent on my effort anyway.. It depends to what He wanted to give u,.. N then, there will another test.. Either glory or failure, both are test..

This is life.. It is actually a Big exams in a short time before the "graduation day" come n we'll see where is our eternal Final Destination.. Jannah (heaven) or Naar (hell).. So, do ur best 4 this Big exams ever.. Btw, the revision source that we need to pass this exams is al-Qur'an n as-Sunnah..

I think that's all 4 now, the good things come from Allah, do 4give me 4 any mistakes, typing error n so on..

Till the next post..

Mar 21, 2009

My Only Wish ( Interlude)

My Only Wish

All your armies, all your fighters
All your tanks, and all your soldiers
Against a boy holding a stone
Standing there all alone
In his eyes I see the sun
In his smile I see the moon
And I wonder, I only wonder
Who is weak, and who is strong?
Who is right, and who is wrong?
And I wish, I only wish
That the truth has a tongue..

This lyrics recite by a small kid..

It really touch my heart..

I admire my young Muslim counterparts in Palestine whose doing the Jihad..

May Allah SWT always with them..

Allahuakhbar!!! Allahu Sami'..


Mar 4, 2009

Trial or Past years??

Trial is on the corner..

Past years answer are in memory..

A-level entah ke mana..

Dunno what to say actly..

Just feel a lil bit unfair especially to those who keep on memorising the past years answer.. Apatah lagi if the question yg come out tu sebiji..

oOppss!! sorrry, terlebih pulak..

but siapa suroh dok hafal jawapan jer??

In the meantime, i feel kesian kat those people..

How they gonna cope for the real A-level Exam nnti??

Who is to be blame at that time??

is it the lecturers cause keep on releasing past year question for such an important exams..(trial A-level kot)..

Or the student who misuse the time & 'opportuniy' given to them by keep on memorising the answer of the question instead of finding out how to get answers.. opportunity here means the question could b used as a revision or excercise or something like that..

Or nak salahkan soalan tu yang xreti2 nk berubah?? LoL, cm x btul la plak!! hehe..

ask yourself..

Undeniably, A-level is not easy especially when u can't cope with most of the part of a particular subject.. While the time is running and it was like gonna be a nightmare if the scenario continue till the real A-level..

I dun deny when actually i also try to memorise the answer sometimes.. but it was tiring + boring and feel so not right especially u'll feel like u r lying to urself bout ur knowledge level.. So Pathetic..

One thing..Remember, Allah always thre Watching u..
Specially dedicated to the muslim : Where do u guys put the concept of Beriman, Berilmu & Beramal...

Anybody who want to comment, please give some suggestion bout this serous probs..
or maybe u wnna share some story bout u and past year question??

I think that's all for now..


Feb 18, 2009

The Sharpest Weapon

 Say Your Pray Today ..

Do'a is said to be the sharpest weapon of a Muslim. This undeniable fact has been proven since the first day human was created by The Greatest Creator, Allah S.W.T.
Until now, those who believe in the existence of Allah and believe that Muhammad PBUH is His messenger rely on Allah for everything in their life.. The word rely here means Tawakal after giving their best effort in doing something.. 
Pathetic is the best word to describe the scenario when some people misunderstood the concept of Tawakal.. They let everything happen without putting any effort in their life..
Please note that Allah will never change one's fate unless he do it himself..

No matter who ever you are or what position that you hold, when it comes to certain time especially when you feel sad,stress etc.. we'll always ask for a help from Him..

That's a common thing that we always do as Abdullah (hamba Allah)..
Revise back,  Is that the only time that we have to remember Allah?? Only when we have a problems?

Sometimes, we forget that Allah witness us all the times.. He is always there to take care of us because of His Greatest Love.. 

Hence, time to make Do'a is anytime.. not just after Solah or whenever we have problem.. Also, we should make do'a when we want to obtain or achieve something.. Also, say Alhamdulillah whenever we get something good (nikmah) from Allah as well whenever He tests us..

Is my do'a heard by Him??
Why I still didn't get what I ask for??

These questions should never been exist in our mind.. Just believe in Allah and His Power.. Allahu Sami'.. The All-hearing.. That's Allah.. 
Note that sometimes Allah didn't give us directly what we ask for.. Instead, He give something else which is much better for us or else He protect us from something bad that might actually happen to us such as accident.. Also, sometimes Allah will give what we ask for but it took a suitable time to be given to us.. The other consequence of our Do'a is if let say Allah didn't give what we ask for during our lifetime in Dunia.. He will keep it for us in Akhirah.. 

Speaking about this.. 
There's a story about a man who died and when comes to judgement day, he saw a huge mountain in front of him.. Then, he ask Allah, to whom this mountain belong to?? 
Allah reply, it is yours.. It is your Jabal Hasanah ( Mountain of good deeds).. 
Then the man reply again, "but my good deeds is not as much as this".. 
Allah reply, "This is also for your do'a that you make to Me that I didn't award you during your lifetime in Dunia"..
Subhanallah, the man said if only I know that I will get jabal hasanah for my do'a.. then, I'll never ask you to full fill my do'a.. I rather ask you to keep it for me in Akhirah..

So fellows, make your do'a today and always remember Allah no matter when u are in suffer as well as when u are happy.. Bcoz Allah will easily approve our do'a when we are in suffer provided that we remember Him when we are free from anxiety..

That's all for now.. 
Till next time..
Ma' as salamah..

Feb 11, 2009

Hows ur heart (part II)

Apa khabar hatimu??

~Nukilan bermula..~

Hati ini sedang sakit rasanya..
ada kalanya sakit sekali..
tak terhingga..hanya Allah yang Maha Tahu..
usaha dibuat tuk mncari penawar..
tak dinafikan.. banyak halangan mencari penawar..
namun, itu bukan alasan utk b'putus asa..
kerana bagiku, Allah tidak akan pernah mengecewakan hambaNya..
selagi mampu berusahalah wahai manusia..
lalu berdoalah kamu setelah berusaha bersungguh2..
tawakal pada yang Satu..

Hanya ingin berkongsi persepsi diri ini..
Juga sebagai peringatan bersama..

Temanku dan juga saudara2ku,
kalau berjaya mendapat apa yang diinginkan, maka bersyukurlah..
namun sebaliknya, kalau tidak seperti yang diharapkan, maka brsabarlah..

anggap saja masanya belum tiba atau mungkin Allah sedang menyiapkan sesuatu yang lebih hebat drpd yg diharapkan..
Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Bijaksana Lagi Maha Mengetahui
Dan jgn lupa, bersyukurlah juga kerana Allah sedang menguji kita..
kita telah dipilih untuk diuji..
Sesungguhnya, Allah sayang hambaNya yang bersabar menghadapi segala ujian..
deraian air mata tidak perlu berterusan hanya kerana kesedihan sebaliknya menangislah dalam kegembiraan..
kerana kejayaan sebenarnya satu ujian yang berat.. ujian bagi hati..
justeru, beringat2lah ketika berjaya mendapatkan apa yang dihajatkan..

Sekian dulu cetusan kali ini..

InsyAllah, Topik seterusnya tentang do'a..Do'a??


Feb 3, 2009

Hows ur heart??

Hows ur heart??
Apa Khabar Hatimu??

HEART is undeniably one of the important part of our life as human being since we need to have our own feeling..To illustrates, we need to feel in love, to be happy, sad, angry etc..

As Allah Apostle PBUH said :
Inside the human body, there is a flesh.. If the flesh is well, then the whole part of the body will be good.. In contrary, if this particular part is problematic, then the whole body will be bad.. Note that this special part is called "heart"..

There's no doubt that u'll feel ill if ur heart is sick..
In other words, ur feeling is not something that u made up, it is naturally comes from your heart..
What is expressed outside is not usually whats inside..
Sometimes both can be in opposite side..
Also, what u say sometimes the opposite of what u feel inside ur heart..

From what I learn in the CTU (Centre of thought & Understanding) class, there's 3 type of heart owned by human beings:
  • Live heart (Hati yang hidup)
  • Die heart ( Hati yang mati)
  • Ill heart ( hati yang berpenyakit)

Live Heart
always remember Allah..
at peace..
Everyone aiming for this type of heart ( including me)..
In reality, only few of us have it..
as a Muslim, the most precious part of Iman is when u owned this type of heart..
u never feel loss or regret for any bad things happen to u..
Instead, u view it as a test from The Creator..
MasyaAllah, I really want to have this kind of heart..

Die Heart
away from Allah..
seriously not at peace..
It is a very dangerous type of heart..
Some people owned it (Those who doesn't believe in Allah SWT)..
Unfortunately, they don't realize it..
How unlucky those people are..
Hopefully, I'm not in this category..(Nauzubillah..)

Ill heart
not exactly in the right track of showing their worship towards Allah, The Almighty..
sometimes at peace, but sometimes not..
Undoubtedly, most people owned it..(maybe even me)
this category of heart need a treatment in order to be alive peacefully..
Wake up people!! treat ur heart today..
it'll never be late for us to return to the right path..
Bcoz Allah is The Most merciful..
He never hate us though we've done so many sins..
Yet, he always wait for us to Taubah (return to Him)..
Imagine how much Allah loves us..
In fact, He loves us 70 time more than our mother does..

Queries & Quotes from friends

A friend of mine said that his heart is "dry"..
Then he ask me to interpret meaning of a dry heart..
my answer :
This is one of the example of ill heart.. it needs to be watered.. with a remembrance of Allah Azza Wa Jallah.. Make a do'a to Him.. ask for a guidance from Him.. bcoz do'a is the sharpest weapon of Muslim..

Where there's a will there's a way..
where there's a prob, never get sob! sob! sob!..(sad)

Life doesn't always happy..
A quote from a friend " life is not colourful without probs"..
I think : yups, it is true.. No doubt... take those probs that happen in our life as a test from Allah as well as a unrealised step in getting closer to Allah.. Allah loves us.. thats the reason why He test us.. He wants to know how much do we love Him.. so, don't ever fail in ur test ok!!

Another friend (amanhati) said "Alangkah indah hidup ketika bercinta"..
I think : This is a very nice quote of amanhati.. love it.. Just that I still need further explanation about this quote so that I'll not misinterpret it.. Anyway, I like this quote.. thanx Mr aman hati..

What to do now??
After reading this post, check ur heart.. If needs a treatment, then treat it with the best treatment.. do it with all ur effort.. In the meantime, ask a guidance from Allah SWT.. Remember Him all the time.. Avoid urself from bad deeds.. Last but not least, take care of urself..

Till next time..


Feb 2, 2009

Just to Share..

My Luv letter from UK
My feeling
mY HoPe

1st of all, I should thank Allah SWT for giving me a chance to share this short story with u guys..

~Let the story begin..~

Last 3 Weeks, I got an offer letter from univ of Southampton asking for ABB + 6.5 for IELTS
Few days later, Leicester send their offer to me.. ( Luckily they only asking for BBC )
Then, comes the offer letter that I really wish for.. its from Sheffield.. they want me to get ABB..
On the next week, coincidentally on the same day, Surrey n Warwick took their turn in giving me a hope for place at their univ..

Similarly, both doesn't mention about IELTS requirement (at all) but Surrey is considerably more lenient on which they only require BCC ( which is the lowest requirement amongst those 5 univs) ..
While Warwick require as high as what Southon n Sheff want..
Now, I'm happy with all the offers that I got..

But at the same time, I'm worried about all those requirement.. I mean can I obtain what those univs required?? It seems very hard for me to further one more steps into the univ..

Another prob is I have to re-sit for IELTS on the 7th (Listening,reading,writing..) while on the 10th I'm gonna be tested on the Speaking part..

I keep on thingking bout this stuff..

Till I remember a quote saying :

"Don't think of how to get it but imagine that you are already get it"
All I need now is a bless from Allah SWT so that I can face the test calmly.. InsyaAllah..

so, I think thats all for now.. Hopefully u guys can pray 4 my success yeah..


Jan 27, 2009

My Prescious Posession - Forgotten??

Alhamdulillah t0 our dearest Creator, Allah S.W.T who always been there to guide us so that we are always at the right path towards Jannah.

Before I begin, let me inform all of you that this is just a spontaneous short letter that comes from deep inside an ill heart that looking for a guidance from The Most Merciful, Allah. S.W.T.

My dear friends,

The most precious things( because there are 2 things) that we own as a Muslim :

Iman and Islam.

Undoubtedly, these two things are always been forgotten by Muslimin without considering age, profession, position etc..

How many of us are taking a good care of these important specialities given by The Most Merciful Allah S.W.T??

Ask ourselves!! Ask our heart!!

Have we ever been grateful by having these generous gift from Allah??

Do we actually proud to be a Muslim??

Remember, Allah S.W.T always watch us.. and He knows whats inside our heart..

Now, Muhasabah yourself!!

Let us give our heart some Rohaniah treatment..

Hope this can be a remembrance to ourselves..

Till next time..


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