Dec 16, 2009

if only they know..

In the name of Allah the Most Beneficent the Most Merciful

Salam readers,
just want to share some of my experiences throughout these days of being a undergraduate student. Initially, I predict it is going to be an awesome learning process especially the fact that I'm going to explore my favourite subject, Chemistry, more deep..
Yes, it is happening as what I've predicted before stepping my feet into the university..

as I started my first class (lecture), I felt that something is missing in my studies. I was trying to put that feeling away from me but I just couldn't do it.
This kind of mystery feeling leads me to search for something.. Something that I never realise before.. Until one day when my Biology lecturer talk about cells and its structure.. She keeps on talking about the uniqueness of such special creation that made up the human being..and all I can say is..Subhanallah.. Verily, Allah is the ultimate Creator..


But, that wasn't what come out from her mouth after such a long and interesting explanation about cells.. Yet she said, "its magic, isn't it?".. person behind me nodding as he agreed..Calmly, deep inside my heart I answered.. Yes, it is indeed a MAGIC.. made by Allah, the ultimate Creator..
I was thinking of asking her counter question, "Who did such a MAGIC?".. which I think she didn't know or maybe still doesn't know the correct answer for it..

Alhamdulillah, thank you Allah for making me realise that I was created by You.. and Alhamdulillah, for letting me know 'who did the MAGIC' which my lecturer doesn't know the correct answer for it..

All that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth glorifieth Allah, and He is the Mighty, the Wise..
(As-Saffat 61:1)

Praise the name of thy Lord the Most High, (1) Who createth, then disposeth(2)
(Al-A'la 87:1-2)

That's all for now..
till next time..


syaz123 said...

salam ahndy
yes ahndy,its all magic,created by no one but Allah
and it is our responsibility to make them,person near us,know
IAllah ahndy
usaha sama2 ye :)

aNA said...

salam alayk,
akhi kene blaja bio gak????

Ahn Dee (Asyandi) said...

wasalam syaz123.. yups.. May Allah bless us in every step we take.. inshaAllah..

Ahn Dee (Asyandi) said...

wasalam alayk a.N.A.. bio just utk penuhkan credit hours,, option je.. tapi senior kata mmbantu utk 2nd year.. so, ambil je la..

ayasofya said...

subhanallah alhamdulillah allhuakbar.all d bes study!

Ahn Dee (Asyandi) said...

terima kasih.. ayasofya

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