Nov 17, 2009



Sakit semalam menyembuhkanku..
bagaimana mungkin?
biarlah luahan yang bercerita..

Subhanallah.. Maha Suci Allah..
badan yg mengalami demam semalaman memberikan peringatan dan InsyaAllah sedikit penawar buat jiwa yg telah lama sakit..
apalah kiranya sakit ini kalau dibandingkan dengan ujian penderitaan duniawi yg dialami saudara Islam-ku di Palestina, Iraq, Afghanistan, Thailand, dan sebut sahaja di mana lagi..
Sakit ini membuat diri hina ini sedar akan nikmat sihat yg selama ini telah banyak disalahgunakan buat perkara2 yg tidak bermanfaat..

And when I sicken, then He healeth me (80)

Dan apabila aku sakit, Dia-lah yang menyembuhkanku (80)

As-Syua'ra (26 : 80)

semoga itu bisa manjadi peringatan ketika alpa,
penawar ketika hiba,
periang ketika duka,
pemanis buat cuka,
pengubat jiwa yang lara..

dan berdoalah..
Ya Allah, ampunilah segala dosa yg pernah diri ini lakukan,
sengaja mahupun tidak..
kerana sesungguhnya hamba insan biasa..
yg selalu leka.. dengan nikmat duniawi..
yg sering lupa.. akan balasan ukhrawi..

dan yakinlah..
Sesungguhnya Dia Maha Pengampun Lagi Maha Mengasihani..

Nov 10, 2009


بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

By (the Token of) time (through the Ages), (1) Verily Man is in loss, (2) Except such as have Faith, and do righteous deeds, and (join together) in the mutual teaching of Truth, and of Patience and Constancy. (3)

Demi Masa! (1) Sesungguhnya manusia itu dalam kerugian; (2) Kecuali orang-orang yang beriman dan beramal soleh dan mereka pula berpesan-pesan dengan kebenaran serta berpesan-pesan dengan sabar. (3)

Al-Asr (103:1-3)

salam alaikum..

realise it or not..

the day time getting shorter,

the night time keep coming earlier..

while the sky getting darker,

we must perform the prayer..

so..come on ppl, lets perform our responsibilities

lets show our seriousness as a true LOVER..

don't become those who loss by time
lets remind each other when we forget..

so that we are not part of the one who loss..

that's all for now..
see ya in the next post..

Nov 2, 2009

Dia Maha Tahu

Dengan nama Allah yg Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Penyayang..

'biar pecah di perut jgn pecah di mulut'..
kalau dgn manusia, bolehla.. tp kalau dgn Dia, takkan bisa..
kerana sifatNya Maha Mengetahui..
maka ketika kita sedih, masih ada tmpat utk bergantung..
ketika kita rasa seolah2 tidak ada yg bisa memahami, maka kita masih ada Allah..

Dia Maha Tahu, 'share' la dgn Dia (though actually Dia dah tahu)..

Dan tuturkanlah perkataan kamu dengan perlahan atau dengan nyaring, (sama sahaja keadaannya kepada Allah), kerana sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui akan segala (isi hati) yang terkandung di dalam dada. (13) Tidakkah Allah yang menciptakan sekalian makhluk itu mengetahui (segala-galanya)? Sedang Dia Maha Halus urusan PentadbiranNya, lagi Maha Mendalam PengetahuanNya!

maka dgn itu, doalah padaNya.. mintalah kat Dia.. insyaAllah, Dia akan bagi..
in fact, Dia dah sediakan yg terbaik utk kita..
so, jgn pernah putus asa dengan rahmat Allah..

jom renungkan bersama dan amalkan membaca surah al-Mulk sebelum tidur..
semoga kita semua mendapat manfaat dan termasuk dari org2 yg beruntung.. insyaAllah..

Allah Knows

When you feel all alone in this world
And theres nobody to count your tears
Just remember no matter where you are
Allah knows, Allah knows

When you're carrying a monster load
And you're wondering how far you can go
Every step you take on that road
Allah knows, Allah knows

No matter what side or out
theres one thing of which theres no doubt
Allah knows, Allah knows
And whatever lies in the heavens or the earth every star in this whole universe Allah knows, Allah knows

When you find that special someone
Feel your whole life has barely begun
You can walk on the moon shouted it to everyone
Allah knows, Allah knows

When you gaze with love in your eyes
Catch a glimpse of paradise
And you see your child take the first breath of life
Allah knows, Allah knows

No matter what side or out
theres one thing of which theres no doubt
Allah knows, Allah knows
And whatever lies in the heavens or the earth every star in this whole universe Allah knows, Allah knows

When you lose someone close to your heart
See your whole world fall apart
And you try to go on but it seems so hard
Allah knows Allah knows

You see we all have a path to choose
Through the valleys and hills we go
With the ups and the downs never fret never frown
Allah knows Allah knows

No matter what inside or out
theres one thing of which theres no doubt
Allah knows, Allah knows

cause No matter what inside or out
theres one thing of which theres
Allah knows, Allah knows
And whatever lies in the
no doubt the heavens or the earth every star in this whole universe Allah knows, Allah knows

Every grain of sand
In every desert land
He knows
Every shade of palm
Every closed hand
He knows
every sparkling tears
on every eye lash He knows
every thought i have
every word i share
He knows
Allah knows

enjoy this video clip by zain bikha
'Allah Knows'

sekian dulu buat kali ini..

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