Say Your Pray Today ..
Do'a is said to be the sharpest weapon of a Muslim. This undeniable fact has been proven since the first day human was created by The Greatest Creator, Allah S.W.T.
Until now, those who believe in the existence of Allah and believe that Muhammad PBUH is His messenger rely on Allah for everything in their life.. The word rely here means Tawakal after giving their best effort in doing something..
Pathetic is the best word to describe the scenario when some people misunderstood the concept of Tawakal.. They let everything happen without putting any effort in their life..
Please note that Allah will never change one's fate unless he do it himself..
No matter who ever you are or what position that you hold, when it comes to certain time especially when you feel sad,stress etc.. we'll always ask for a help from Him..
That's a common thing that we always do as Abdullah (hamba Allah)..
That's a common thing that we always do as Abdullah (hamba Allah)..
Revise back, Is that the only time that we have to remember Allah?? Only when we have a problems?
Sometimes, we forget that Allah witness us all the times.. He is always there to take care of us because of His Greatest Love..
Hence, time to make Do'a is anytime.. not just after Solah or whenever we have problem.. Also, we should make do'a when we want to obtain or achieve something.. Also, say Alhamdulillah whenever we get something good (nikmah) from Allah as well whenever He tests us..
Is my do'a heard by Him??
Why I still didn't get what I ask for??
These questions should never been exist in our mind.. Just believe in Allah and His Power.. Allahu Sami'.. The All-hearing.. That's Allah..
Note that sometimes Allah didn't give us directly what we ask for.. Instead, He give something else which is much better for us or else He protect us from something bad that might actually happen to us such as accident.. Also, sometimes Allah will give what we ask for but it took a suitable time to be given to us.. The other consequence of our Do'a is if let say Allah didn't give what we ask for during our lifetime in Dunia.. He will keep it for us in Akhirah..
Speaking about this..
There's a story about a man who died and when comes to judgement day, he saw a huge mountain in front of him.. Then, he ask Allah, to whom this mountain belong to??
Allah reply, it is yours.. It is your Jabal Hasanah ( Mountain of good deeds)..
Then the man reply again, "but my good deeds is not as much as this"..
Allah reply, "This is also for your do'a that you make to Me that I didn't award you during your lifetime in Dunia"..
Subhanallah, the man said if only I know that I will get jabal hasanah for my do'a.. then, I'll never ask you to full fill my do'a.. I rather ask you to keep it for me in Akhirah..
So fellows, make your do'a today and always remember Allah no matter when u are in suffer as well as when u are happy.. Bcoz Allah will easily approve our do'a when we are in suffer provided that we remember Him when we are free from anxiety..
That's all for now..
Till next time..
Ma' as salamah..