Aug 31, 2009

Mari bersyukur..

it has been ages since the last time I wrote on this blog..
not to deny that that i am lazy but undoubtedly i also has a lot of things to be settled for the past few weeks..
started with A-level exams which I did somewhere in May-June..
then, i involved with a so called The Longest Non-Stop Multilingual Public Speaking Event 2009 as a committee..
Then, became a Pembantu Mahasiswa for Minggu Mesra Siswa of INTEC, which organised specially for the freshers..
After that, bla bla..bla.. some more fun activities..

Finish with intro..
Lets move to my point now..
satu perbuatan yg seharusnya ada pada seorg yg bergelar makhluk ciptaan Allah..
then the question of Why? come to our mind.. perlukah bersyukur nie?

Human nature..
bila dapat sesuatu, selalu ingin lebih drpd ape yg dimiliki..
bcoz we always look at those who get more than we got..
As saying goes, 'diberi betis, nak paha'
why not we change this bad habit..
let us 'betulkan yg biasa, biasakan yg betul'

When we given sth, look at those who doesn't hv that 'nikmat'..
Not only time kita senang, even time kita susah pun kita kena selalu bersyukur..
cuba ingat mereka yg berada di Iraq, palestine dan afghanistan.. jauh lebih susah dari kita di Malaysia..justeru nikmat keamanan yg kita miliki itu harus dihargai..

Kalau susah sgt nk bygkan mcmna keadaan mereka di Iraq, cuba cari kawan2 or org di sekeliling kita yg hidupnya lebih susah berbanding kita..
disitulah kita dpt lihat kebesaran Allah S.W.T kerana setiap benda yg berlaku itu ada sebabnya..Ada sebab kenapa Allah buat begitu.Yakinlah dengan ketentuanNya kerana Dia Maha Adil..

emang x dinafikan, berat mada memandang, berat lagi bahu memikul..seperti kata seorang teman.."bila diuji dgn dugaan, sedikit sebanyak iman pasti goyah jua'.. itulah kita,manusia, yakni hamba Allah yg x pernah terlepas dari melakukan kesilapan..
maka dgn itu, Allah dgn sifat Ar-RahimNya, memberi kita peluang utk bertaubat dan kembali kepadaNya..

So, there's no excuse utk tidak bersyukur dgn apa yg dikurniakan Allah utk kita.. so people, bersyukurlah dgn apa yg kita miliki hari ini..

Lets try these..
cuba tatap wajah ibu dan ayah kita dan ucapkan rasa syukur kerana kita masih ada mereka.. kerana bagi sebahagian yg lain, mereka tidak punya nikmat itu..
palig tidak pun, lihat wajah kita di cermin dan lihatlah pancaindera kita yg diciptakan dgn sempurna, lantas bersyukurlah dan ucaplah Alhamdulillah kerana sesetengah org tdk memiliki seindah dan sesempurna yg kita miliki..

There's so many other examples that we could practice and so many reasons to be grateful..
At least, we still have a chance to live and to breathe..

I guess thats all for now..
Thank you to those who inspire me to post this..
Not to forget, Thank You Allah..

See u guys in the next post..

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